Holly Health for Primary care & Local authorities

Holly Health is a personalised behaviour change platform for population health, self-management, tailored and guided education, and improvement of long-term health outcomes. All while reducing burden on clinical teams.
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Outcomes and return on investment

average EXERCISE increase compared to baseline in lower baseline users*

Improve patient physical and mental health for a tiny cost, with significant long term modelled impact on healthcare costs, reduced disease burden, and reduced strain on GP teams
users report new, ‘AUTOMATIC’ HABITS*

Help patients to change their life for the better and increase self management abilities. Support thousands per year per PCN. leading to happier patients and lower strain on services
FEWER GP APPOINTMENTS per person per year

Alleviate growing pressures on NHS GP services, by increasing patient self management, and decreasing appointment bookings. At £40 per appointment this outcome is worth  >£30,000 per PCN annually
*after 8+ weeks of service use
Explore Science + Research

Return on investment calculator:

Features Spotlight

Aggregated data insights
Deep insights into population health, health changes, self management and and impact on appointments
Blood pressure and HbA1c tracking
Medical marker tracking to better evaluate impact. Potential to boost QOF & IFF claims
PDF Data Exports
For users to share their individual Holly Health data in a pdf to a GP or health and wellbeing coach. Allowing data to enter records

30 min setup = support 100s of patients

Easy As...
Step 1

Identify Patient List

Step 2

Create Template

(into AccuRx, mjog, iPlato, EMIS /S1 batch SMS system)
Step 3

Press Send!

Need Help?

Annual licence costs

Transparent Pricing

Up to 100k (PCN/Federation)
100k-300k (Small region)
300k+ (Large region/ICS partner)
Per patient per year (charged based on full patient list)
NB: Service access and data sharing included, additional charges may apply for further personalization

Our partners span over 18 UK counties:
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