The NHS has an opportunity to deliver more value, at a lower cost, using personalised digital coaching
International medical devices company OMRON partners with Holly Health in the UK to pilot personalised digital coaching for a cohort of OMRON Connect app users
Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing healthcare by improving efficiency and access, but they also pose challenges like bias and inequality. Alessandro Chincotta, MSc, explores how LLMs can bridge gaps without creating divides in healthcare.
Intern Alessandro Chincotta, MSc, conducted in-depth interviews with Holly Health users with hypertension as part of our government-funded UKRI Future Economy project. His aim? To capture users' firsthand experiences and challenges, providing insights to shape a service that truly supports their needs.
Learn of Holly Health's recent recognition in 2 significant health technology awards
Here we present an overview of the main physical and mental health outcomes after 6 months of Holly Health use.
Holly Health will be partnering with Loughborough University and the award-winning Modality Partnership to deliver Prevent and become the go-to multimorbidity digital self-management tool, helping provide positive health outcomes for hundreds of thousands of patients.
Holly Health GP Appointments Reduction Data
Over 1,400 patients have already embraced our new personalised digital habit coaching in Kirkby PCN this year. The early results? Impressive improvements in health markers and fewer doctor appointments are needed
Read how Holly Health and Age UK Lewisham and Southwark embarked on an 18-month UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge to co-design Holly Health for older adults.
Holly Health announces success in securing £650k in an investment and grant funding round, including £323k funding from Innovate UK, as part of the Future Economy Investor Partnerships scheme
This research report highlights the impact of Holly Health in helping users better manage their long-term conditions. Dive into some really promising stats and insightful testimonials where users share stories of improved mood, stabilised blood pressure, and newfound confidence.
We are on a permanent quest to assess the impact of Holly Health across the health and wellbeing spectrum, we looked into the health outcomes of those Holly Health users who reported having an MKS condition when joining Holly Health. Check out this research report to find out what we discovered.
Natasha, Holly Health project coordinator at Age UK Lewisham and Southwark shares the wide range of benefits that volunteering can have in later life, and her advice on taking the leap into the world of giving back.
Bruno shares his experience of taking part in our 12-week healthy ageing pilot, what ‘healthy ageing’ means to him, and advice for anyone embarking on their own Holly Health journey in this short interview with Operations Manager, Lily.
Check out the exciting results from our latest survey which asked Holly users who are still using the service after 5 to 12+ months about any perceived changes to their physical and mental health, primary care service utilisation since using Holly, and general feedback.
Natasha, Holly Health Healthy Ageing Project Coordinator at Age UK Lewisham and Southwark, shares her top tips for connecting with your community. Whether it’s volunteering, joining a local exercise or hobby-based group or social club, read how to find what’s available to you and advice on taking the leap in getting involved
Discover why user-centred design is so important in healthtech and how we applied this approach to our healthy ageing project to create a user-friendly product that empowers users to take control of their health as they age.
This blog piece offers a different perspective on the use of medication for weight loss purposes: from physical and psychological side effects to sustainability and hidden costs. Be aware, it's a controversial one!
Over the last year, Holly Health has partnered with over 100 UK GP practices, with a population coverage of over 500,000 patients. This has allowed the company to support thousands of people and to, through data, see how the app can make a genuine impact at scale. Here are some of the main outcomes and insights we've seen so far.
We love hearing from the Holly Health community and how people are using Holly Health to support their health and wellbeing.
Prescriptions aren’t just for medication. As healthcare becomes more digitised, doctors are prescribing smartphone-enabled and web apps to help with the adoption of healthier lifestyles and to reduce health risks
We always love hearing the experiences of our users, to learn how Holly Health has helped impact their health and wellbeing. We recently sat down with Geoff, who has been using Holly Health since August 2022. Conscious that over the years of working, he had struggled to manage his work-life balance and invariably prioritised work ahead of health, he was looking for actionable tips to improve his mental and physical wellbeing.
Out with unachievable new years resolutions, in with Holly Health habit change support
Offering service access to over 50's around the UK!
Empowering patients to self-manage their own health improves treatment adherence, health outcomes and reduces pressure on a struggling health service. In this post, we explore how digital health technologies are encouraging people to be at the centre of their own care
We always love hearing the experiences of our users, to learn how Holly Health has helped impact their health and wellbeing. We recently sat down with Beverley, who has been using Holly Health since September 2022. Having struggled with staying regularly active, and always looking for new ways to positively influence her health, she discovered Holly Health.
Over the last year, Holly Health has successfully partnered with a number of GP practices from all across the UK, to trial our services and reach our goal of impacting 1 million people by 2025. So, we have used this fantastic opportunity to research the impact of our services at scale, and in doing so we have produced some exciting preliminary results.
We always love hearing the experiences of our users, to learn how Holly Health has helped impact their health and wellbeing. We recently sat down with Mary, who has been using Holly Health for six months. Having struggled with managing her anxiety for many years, and always looking for new ways to make proactive and healthy changes in her life, Mary discovered Holly Health.
Weight is not a good indicator of health. So why are we still focusing on a number on the scale so much? In this blog post, we go through our stance on weight loss and why we choose to support people with health-promoting behaviours independently of body weight.
Has society's obsession with appearance fuelled disordered eating as the new normal? At Holly Health, we encourage the narrative that food is to be enjoyed for what it is.
£1.4M funding will support Holly Health’s work into sustainable behavioural change and healthy ageing
An insightful study into older adults' attitudes towards adopting digital health
The science behind self-compassion, common misconceptions and practical exercises to start incorporating more of it
A review of the challenges and opportunities of using digital health technologies for older adults
Eating disorders are not exclusive to thin, white teenage girls- Here's why we we need to shake this harmful stereotype
A reflection on where we are, and where we are going in the world of healthcare
The importance of healing our relationship with food and how to get started
Why it's ok to keep a slow pace and how to make it happen
As a child of Gen Z, I feel as if my own growth coevolved with that of social media.
This article outlines our reasoning behind building Holly Health in a way that supports and takes into consideration the complexities of human psychology. After all, we are trying to help individuals, not robots!
The prevailing obsession with ‘wellness’ shows no sign of abating, with the emphasis being on controlling body weight and shape through diet and exercise.
5 nutrition habits to take care of your brain after going back to 'normal'
This article is a very personal piece where Susan, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, talks about how it feels like to go through a depressive episode, and how to use it as an opportunity to get to know yourself better
It's very common to get 'stuck' in the place between wanting to make a change, and actually going through with it. This article goes through the science that can help us bridge the gap between what we want to do, and what we actually do.
This post describes what mindfulness really is, the science behind it, and how in Holly Health we apply mindful eating and other mindfulness techniques to support behaviour change.
In this article Tara writes about how she manages her very busy work schedule, while also taking care of her family, and herself. She gives us practical advice on how to juggle it all without losing sight of what matters in life
In this article, we’ll explore mental health after university, and look at some good ways to get ahead and attempt to combat negative cycles
In this post you'll find a brief description of how our bodies respond to stress, and two practical breathing exercises that will help you come back to a state of calm in just five minutes
There is a lot of confusing information when it comes to diet and weight management. This post puts together some frequently asked questions on the subject, and provides a science-backed answer that you can trust
Probiotics are a hot topic right now. But what are probiotics anyway? This post does a deep-dive into the world of probiotics: Why are they beneficial, where you can find them, and what is the best way to take them
Take care of yourself this festive period
Holly Health is top-scoring health app, assessed by ORCHA
Challenges in accessing support for eating disorders, from undertrained physicians to pressurised health systems, and how digital solutions have stepped up to bridge the ‘waiting list gap’ - providing support while people wait for NHS care
How to spot early signs of an eating disorder and how to seek the right support
Tiago Duarte, psychiatrist and eating disorder specialist, explains one of the reasons why the COVID-19 pandemic has led to higher rates of eating disorders in young people
Press release 6th January: Holly Health launches £100k worth of support to NHS workers and people waiting on mental health waitlists
Here you'll find some reasons why we tend to feel low during the winter months, how this can be a public health problem, and some suggestions on how to feel a bit better
This is the story of how Holly Health helped Erica through her journey towards recovering from an eating disorder, and with her overall mental wellbeing. Plus! A FREE gift for you to get the support you were looking for.
Check out Holly Health's take on the new department of health and social care health incentives pilot
Everyone's relationships with food is different and complex. Here we discuss our approach to help you improve the way you relate to food in a flexible and sustainable way
A brief description of the research methods we use at Holly Health to understand our users, and to constantly improve our product!
The Holly High Five involves five key questions that will provide you with some personal and professional insights from some seriously inspiring people. This week we have Holly Health's founders Grace Gimson and Claire Wu.
A lowdown on the Holly health app. Plus, why did we create it and how will it support you in your journey towards health and wellbeing.
What you will find, how to get involved and much more!
Curious as to why Holly is a bird? Here's a description of how the Holly Health brand came about